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Lethal ForensicELFication

Location: East Hall


Christmas is coming, and so it would seem,
ER (Elf Resources) crushes elves' dreams.
One tells me she was disturbed by a bloke.
He tells me this must be some kind of joke.

Please do your best to determine what's real.
Has this jamoke, for this elf, got some feels?
Lethal forensics ain't my cup of tea;
If YOU can fake it, my hero you'll be.

One more quick note that might help you complete,
Clearing this mess up that's now at your feet.
Certain text editors can leave some clue.
Did our young Romeo leave one for you?

- Tangle Coalbox, ER Investigator

Find the first name of the elf of whom a love poem 
  was written.  Complete this challenge by submitting 
  that name to runtoanswer.



Tangle introduces this terminal:

Any chance you can help me with an investigation?

Elf Resources assigned me to look into a case, but it seems to require digital forensic skills.

Do you know anything about Linux terminal editors and digital traces they leave behind?

Apparently editors can leave traces of data behind, but where and how escapes me!

Tangle also provides a link to a webpage on Vim Artifacts:


In the file .secrets/her/poem.txt, there are two references to NEVERMORE. We also see there's a .viminfo file in the home directory. Viminfo will store the history of commands executed in vi, including as search and substitute commands. This leads us to find that the word Elinore was replaced with NEVERMORE using the vi search and replace command %s/Elinore/NEVERMORE/g.

elf@0c65bbb4e3b4:~$ find .

elf@0c65bbb4e3b4:~$ cat .secrets/her/poem.txt 

Once upon a sleigh so weary, Morcel scrubbed the grime so dreary,
Shining many a beautiful sleighbell bearing cheer and sound so pure--
  There he cleaned them, nearly napping, suddenly there came a tapping,
As of someone gently rapping, rapping at the sleigh house door.
"'Tis some caroler," he muttered, "tapping at my sleigh house door--
  Only this and nothing more."

Then, continued with more vigor, came the sound he didn't figure,
Could belong to one so lovely, walking 'bout the North Pole grounds.
  But the truth is, she WAS knocking, 'cause with him she would be talking,
Off with fingers interlocking, strolling out with love newfound?
Gazing into eyes so deeply, caring not who sees their rounds.
  Oh, 'twould make his heart resound!

Hurried, he, to greet the maiden, dropping rag and brush - unlaiden.
Floating over, more than walking, moving toward the sound still knocking,
  Pausing at the elf-length mirror, checked himself to study clearer,
Fixing hair and looking nearer, what a hunky elf - not shocking!
Peering through the peephole smiling, reaching forward and unlocking:
  NEVERMORE in tinsel stocking!

Greeting her with smile dashing, pearly-white incisors flashing,
Telling jokes to keep her laughing, soaring high upon the tidings,
  Of good fortune fates had borne him.  Offered her his dexter forelimb,
Never was his future less dim!  Should he now consider gliding--
No - they shouldn't but consider taking flight in sleigh and riding
  Up above the Pole abiding?

Smile, she did, when he suggested that their future surely rested,
Up in flight above their cohort flying high like ne'er before!
  So he harnessed two young reindeer, bold and fresh and bearing no fear.
In they jumped and seated so near, off they flew - broke through the door!
Up and up climbed team and humor, Morcel being so adored,
  By his lovely NEVERMORE!

-Morcel Nougat

elf@0c65bbb4e3b4:~$ grep NEVERMORE .viminfo