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Objective #1 - Uncover Santa's Gift List


There is a photo of Santa's Desk on that billboard with his personal gift list. What gift is Santa planning on getting Josh Wright for the holidays? Talk to Jingle Ringford at the bottom of the mountain for advice.


The photo of Santa's gift list has been obscured somehow to keep it a secret. Jingle Ringford provides a link to an online photo editing site, and hints that a twirl distortion was used. You'll need to reverse the image distortion to reveal what is on Santa's personal gift list.


Step 1: Download the image by clicking on the billboard

Step 2: Load the image into Photopea

Step 3: Select a rectangle that is centered over the area distorted by the twirl effect

Step 4: Apply a twirl effect (Filter > Distort > Twirl, set angle to 300) to reverse the original distortion.

The image is not restored completely, however it's enough to read that Santa is planning to bring Josh Wright a Proxmark. Proxmark is a powerful tool that can be used to interact with RFID tags and sensors. Stay tuned.. this will figure into another objective later on.

Santa's list before and after the swirl distortion


Click on your badge and submit the answer for objective 1. You'll receive an achievement and sometimes a passage of the narrative each time you complete an objective. Also, be sure to talk with the elf again after completing a task to see if he or she has any further hints or instructions to offer.

Answer: Proxmark