Linux Primer
Sugarplum Mary challenges you to complete the Linux Primer. You'll be asked to perform a task on the Linux command line. Enter the correct command to move on to the next task.
Perform a directory listing of your home directory to find a munchkin and retrieve a lollipop!
$ ls
Now find the munchkin inside the munchkin.
$ cat munchkin
Great, now remove the munchkin in your home directory.
$ rm munchkin_19315479765589239
Print the present working directory using a command.
$ pwd
Good job but it looks like another munchkin hid itself in you home directory. Find the hidden munchkin!
$ ls -a
Excellent, now find the munchkin in your command history.
$ history | grep munchkin
Find the munchkin in your environment variables.
$ env | grep munchkin
Next, head into the workshop.
$ cd workshop
A munchkin is hiding in one of the workshop toolboxes. Use "grep" while ignoring case to find which toolbox the munchkin is in.
$ grep -i munchkin *
A munchkin is blocking the lollipop_engine from starting. Run the lollipop_engine binary to retrieve this munchkin.
$ chmod a+x lollipop_engine; ./lollipop_engine
Munchkins have blown the fuses in /home/elf/workshop/electrical. cd into electrical and rename blown_fuse0 to fuse0.
$ cd electrical/; mv blown_fuse0 fuse0
Now, make a symbolic link (symlink) named fuse1 that points to fuse0
$ ln -s fuse0 fuse1
Make a copy of fuse1 named fuse2.
$ cp fuse1 fuse2
We need to make sure munchkins don't come back. Add the characters "MUNCHKIN_REPELLENT" into the file fuse2.
$ echo MUNCHKIN_REPELLENT >> fuse2
Find the munchkin somewhere in /opt/munchkin_den.
$ find /opt/munchkin_den -iname munchkin*
Find the file somewhere in /opt/munchkin_den that is owned by the user munchkin.
$ find . -user munchkin
Find the file created by munchkins that is greater than 108 kilobytes and less than 110 kilobytes located somewhere in /opt/munchkin_den.
$ find . -size +108k -size -110k
List running processes to find another munchkin.
$ ps -ef
The 14516_munchkin process is listening on a tcp port. Use a command to have the only listening port display to the screen.
$ netstat -ntl
The service listening on port 54321 is an HTTP server. Interact with this server to retrieve the last munchkin.
$ curl
Your final task is to stop the 14516_munchkin process to collect the remaining lollipops.
$ pkill 14516_munchkin